Code portfolio
Project website:
A better cut utility. I needed a *nix cut utility with ability to count the fields from the end of the line. So I wrote it. In Python since I was learning python at the time and needed some exercise.Contributed
Project website:
A simple, lightweight program provided for system monitoring in the status line of tmux.
I've did code refactoring that led to version 3.0.0, NetBSD, OpenBSD and FreeBSD ports, some bugfixes and getopt() based argument parsing.
Old stuff, stuff done for fun and stuff done for excercise.
Tribte page to Linus Torvalds. Created for Free Code Camp assignement. Pure bootsprap.
Tribute Page
Bogus Hex Data view. Inspired by jwz blog entrypage. jQuery
Bogus HexView
Tabs using divs. jQuery.
Div Tab Navigation
Generate pixel-noise background in canvas. Pure JS
Canvas Noise
Really old theme for my webpage. HTML and CSS